Sunday 1 November 2015

Constructing the Promotional Video

After deciding what angles were best to implement in order to project the right emotions or obtain the right reactions from the viewers, it was then time to piece the pictures together and construct the video. First came importing all the images into the program, then choosing the right sequence for the photos to be placed to portray the message. The sequence which was chosen was all the positive images been placed at the start showing how good the person's life was and how everything was fine. Then it was rewound back showing a quick flash back again of all the images of the actor in their stage of happiness, followed by the images of sadness shown to display how different the actor's life was six months ago and how depression can affect a persons life. Description was used in order to engage the audience and have them reading and processing what was happening, providing them with more detail about the events occuring. A statistics page on the numbers and facts of depression was also included to further evaluate how serious this problem of depression really is and the further consequences which can arise. The description of the images and various facts being included, allow the audience to become more involved and also more passionate and emotional of what is to be conveyed. After this was completed it was then time to include some sort of music, i incorporated an upbeat and mellow sort of tone through the happy stages and then changed it to a somber tone for the period where the images portrayed the depressing stages. The different tones is what brings the audience up and down which allows them to feel those certain emotions which the images are trying to display.

After it was complete i played it back a few times to make sure the music, images and description all matched together and flowed. This allowed me to notice the few minor adjustments i needed to make in order to have all aspects flow together effectively. After these adjustments were made it was then uploaded and sent in to be marked. Although one major implication which i had only noticed a few days after i had submitted the video for marking, was that the different tones i had included, did not appear and was not existent. I was still unsure how this had occured but i am led to believe it had occured through the stages of exporting the video and changing it to the different video type for it to be viewed.

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